Learn to eat in alignment with your cycle to balance your hormones naturally, heal your PMS and experience new levels of health, confidence and radiance in your life!


A 4-week course teaching you to work with your menstrual cycle through the way you nourish yourself to bring balance, healing & abundance to your life

Many of us women have lived our lives believing that painful periods and symptoms of hormonal imbalance are normal. We’ve accepted mood swings, breakouts, bloating, digestive distress, weight issues, heavy and/or irregular bleeding (and more!) as the norm for us because that’s what we’ve always known and seen mirrored to us. We’ve believed that our cycle is a nuisance and doesn’t add value to our lives or bodies unless we’re trying to conceive. We’ve believed that our cyclical nature holds us back in life from achieving our ultimate success & potential…

& luckily, none of that is true.

When we embrace our cycle and learn to work with it, not only do the physical symptoms heal, but we experience new levels of confidence, empowerment & abundance in our lives! Nourish your Flow teaches you to do just that. You will learn how to eat in a way that honors your body’s natural processes, which then optimizes all of it’s functions so you can heal your symptoms and experience elevated levels of overall wellness in a way that feels easeful, enjoyable & in alignment with your unique needs.

Imagine what it would be like to…

  • Have pain-free periods (NO MORE CRAMPS!)

  • Have “regular” periods - no more crazy heavy bleeds or inconsistent periods that seem to skip months, come too late or too early, or that feel “off” in some way

  • Reach & maintain your ideal weight without depriving yourself or feeling like you’re on a “diet”

  • Have clear & glowing skin, free of hormonal breakouts

  • Fit into your favorite pair of jeans because you're no longer bloated all the time

  • Stop arguing with your family & significant other every time you have your period because there's no more emotional roller coaster of mood swings

  • Feel confident & empowered in your diet, knowing that you are healing & nourishing your body with your food choices

  • Have smooth & comfortable digestion

  • Feel a deeper connection with your body and it’s natural cycle - finally understanding the beauty & benefits of having a monthly cycle and how to use it to your advantage!

This is what Nourish your Flow is all about

In this course you will receive all the tools you need to heal your symptoms naturally in a way that actually feels GOOD and in alignment with your body’s needs.

Who is this course for?

The women who aren't satisfied simply accepting that their periods have to be painful & full of unwanted symptoms.

The women who are fed up with fad diets & diet culture and want an approach that actually works with their body.

The women who want to look & feel amazing without depriving themselves or stressing themselves out.

The women who want to feel empowered by their cycle & optimize it to work for them!

If you experience any of the following symptoms: menstrual and/or pre-menstrual cramps, bloating, digestive distress, weight issues, acne/breakouts, irregular periods (heavy bleeds, inconsistent periods, missing periods, etc.), mood swings, anxiety, or any other menstrual cycle related issues, this course is for you. If you want to experience new & deeper levels of health, wellness and connection with yourself without forcing, pushing or burning yourself out, this course is for you. If you want to adopt a new way of eating - one that is designed specifically for the unique cyclical needs of women, rather than linear approaches that leave us frustrated, confused and with more symptoms, this course is for you.

Ultimately, this course is for those of us with a menstrual cycle who want to learn to work with this cycle so we can experience the abundant health, confidence and empowerment that comes from surrendering to it, instead of constantly trying to “override” it.

In this course you will learn…

How to adjust your diet to eat in alignment with each phase of your cycle


  • specific foods to eat during each different phase of your cycle and different eating styles to follow throughout the different phases for optimal hormone balance & overall health

  • How to heal specific symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance through food & natural remedies

  • How to heal the different emotional & energetic imbalances associated with hormonal issues

  • How to adjust all areas of your life to live in alignment with your cycle (exercise, social life, work life, etc.)

What this course includes

  • 4 weekly 90-minute LIVE calls - If you are unable to make it live, no worries! All calls will be RECORDED & uploaded to the weekly modules

  • Group energy healing - focused on womb clearing and hormonal health to supercharge & fast track your healing process

  • Live Q&A - at the end of each call you will have the opportunity to ask Katie your questions

  • 40+ additional materials to supplement the modules & content from the live calls. These include: comprehensive lists of foods to eat for each phase, multiple recipes for each phase, examples of meal plans/outlines for each phase, foods to limit for each phase, journal prompts to help you work through the emotional/energetic components of each phase, reflection questions, and MORE

  • Access to a secure community forum where you will be able to ask questions in between calls, share your experiences, and communicate with other members in the group for support & connection!

Plus, these bonus materials:

  • Tips for eating at restaurants/ordering out during the different phases

  • Additional meal + snack ideas for each phase

  • Tips for exercise routines, work schedule, social life, daily habits and more to optimize your energy, health & hormonal balance throughout each phase of the cycle

Client Testimonials

Questions about the course?

Reach out to Katie at or send her a DM through her Instagram account: @nourishedlifehealing.