Work With Katie


Ready to start feeling confident in your body, empowered in the way you nourish yourself and excited about your health? Katie’s 1:1 program is designed to help you do just that!

Imagine if you could…

  • Wake up feeling light & energized in your body?

  • Feel empowered and confident in your nutrition choices?

  • Have more energy, feel re-vitalized and genuinely love the body you're in?

  • Release the calorie-counting, fad dieting, macro-tracking and other stressful methods?

  • Replace the emotional eating, food cravings and binges with a relationship with food that feels healthy, stable and is rooted in unconditional love for yourself?

  • Heal your symptoms from the root cause?

  • Experience a level of health & wellness that you never knew was possible for you before?

ALL of this is possible for you! If you haven’t experienced it yet it’s not because there’s something “wrong” with you…it’s just because you haven’t tried the right approach for your body!

This 1:1 program is for those who…

Are ready to experience a REAL & LASTING transformation

Are done feeling frustrated, confused and discouraged about why they’re not seeing the results they want, even though they’re doing “all the right things”

Want to stop asking themselves “am I eating the right foods”, “am I eating the right amounts”, “should I be following XYZ diet?”, etc., and instead be SURE of themselves & their diet

Are ready for a NEXT LEVEL approach, one that encompasses healing on mind, body & soul levels and will help them expand into their next-level, most radiant self!

About the Program:



Work with Katie 1:1 over the course of 3 months, using a unique blend of holistic nutrition counseling, intuitive practices and energy healing to bring balance to your physical health, enhance your connection with your body and elevate your life!

What’s included:

** This program is conducted virtually through a secure health platform

  • (1) Initial intake session (90 minutes)

  • (5) Bi-weekly follow up sessions (60 minutes)

    *each session will include both holistic nutrition counseling and intuitive energy healing tailored to your needs

  • Private 1:1 instant messaging in between sessions for additional support, guidance & accountability

  • A comprehensive healing plan designed for your unique needs, updated after each session

  • Additional practices may include: journal prompts/reflection questions, supplemental activities, mindset work, meditations, breathwork, intuitive reading, and more!

Click the link below to fill out an application form if you are interested in working with Katie in the 3-Month 1:1 Program.


**If you have any questions, please email Katie at

client testimonials


“Katie went above in beyond in my session and really helped me see to see all the ways that nutrition ties into my life at a big picture and micro level. She made the process approachable and left me with real actionable steps that I could implement after our call. She is truly gifted and was able to put into words my feelings and thoughts that I had internalized that I hadn’t even realized was affecting my health. If you are thinking about scheduling an appointment trust your gut and do it!”

— kelsey B.

“If you’re on the fence, there’s truly no need to be. She (Katie) radiates a calming, nurturing, but not overbearing vibe. She is knowledgeable but doesn’t come across as knowing more about your body than you do, which I think is SO important to have in an industry (diet/nutrition) that thrives on insecurities. She is a gem, a wonder, a treasure, pick your flavor. She’s great, and after just one talk, I can’t wait to go back again and report the changes I feel. Thank you again, Katie.”

— Lindsay m.

“It was such a pleasure working with Katie, she brings such a positive energy, she is really knowledgeable, and most importantly has an intuitive understanding of the whole picture, her impact goes well beyond nutrition! I am so glad I’ve been able to work with her - thank you Katie for bringing the positive changes in my life!”

— Lauren g.

Client Results:

  • Anywhere from 5-25lb weight loss (in a way that felt “effortless” / with the “least amount of trying”)

  • Hormonal balance and healed PMS; no more period cramps, no more bloating during and before period, no more mood swings/intense emotional rollercoaster, no more extreme fatigue during period, no more hormonal breakouts throughout the different phases of the cycle, lighter periods, regular periods, getting period back after being on birth control, and MORE

  • Clear skin - clients have healed from YEARS of chronic acne, YEARS of cystic acne and “back-ne” and now have clear, glowing skin

  • Improved digestion; clients have healed from chronic constipation, frequent bloating, distention, acid reflux and more

  • Healed from emotional eating, food cravings/addictions and binge eating tendencies

  • Healed from restrictive behaviors and negative relationship with food and body

  • Improved natural energy levels; clients have been able to heal from caffeine dependencies and experience now full, natural energy

  • Better sleep (even with kids!)

  • Nervous system re-balancing; this looks like relief from frequent anxiety, relief from constant stress, living from a place of ease and inner peace, able to be more present in the moment

  • Relief from feelings of depression, feeling lost, feeling disconnected from self (*I am not a mental health professional, although I have had clients completely heal from periods of depression through this program)

Aside from the more physical results listed above, clients also experience deep inner healing affecting all areas of their lives through this program, some examples are:

  • Feeling confident & empowered in the way they nourish themselves

  • Genuinely loving themselves and their bodies more than ever before; deep self acceptance

  • Able to set firmer boundaries and communicate their needs clearly to others in their life - not settling for less than they deserve

  • Prioritizing themselves and their health in more ways than ever before

  • Attracting in more aligned relationships

  • Seeing improvements in their performance at work

  • Feeling happier and more at ease in their daily lives

  • Feeling more in tune with their body & intuition

  • Stepping into their power & the strength of who they truly are

And so much more that goes beyond what words can say…

Why this program works…

Hi! I’m Katie - a registered dietitian and intuitive energy healer. I know this program works, because I’ve been through it myself, and came out the other side experiencing a level of health & wellness I never knew existed.

I remember how it felt to be confused and embarrassed, not understanding how I was doing “all the right things” yet not seeing any results. I remember the frustration and shame I felt when my favorite pair of jeans no longer fit me and my tops were too tight. I remember being in meetings at work trying my best to concentrate, while internally struggling with the most painful menstrual cramps I could imagine. I remember feeling low energy, less excitement for life, and generalized anxiety. I remember when bloating became my new normal, and digestive issues were becoming more and more common. Most of all, I remember thinking “I just don’t feel like myself”.

As challenging as this time period was, I’m grateful for the experience because it’s what led me to create Nourished Life Healing and specifically, this 1:1 coaching program.

I decided to make myself my own “first client”. I took myself through all the steps I now take my clients through and I began to notice that not only was I feeling better, but I was surpassing what I thought was possible. As all of my symptoms healed, I began to experience life in a whole new way.

I often talk about “radiant health”. This is because it’s the only word fit to describe the results that I, and my clients have experienced. This program is here to help you not just feel better, but to feel radiant.

ready to start your intuitive eating journey?

Click below to claim your free Intuitive Eating Basics Guide!